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copy of the course outline

Description: This course is designed for users who want to explore the use cases and basic functions of these technologies and who want an unbiased comparison between them. After completing this course, students should understand the capabilities of these protocols, how they work, and how to select products with the right features for their applications.

Course Outline

Internet Video Technologies

  • Consumer, Prosumer, Professional

  • Key Attributes of Broadcast Quality Internet Video

  • Why RIST, SRT and RTMP are Needed

  • Impact of Packet Loss



  • Typical Internet Video Application

  • Traditional Production Model

  • REMI System Requirements

  • Contribution and Distribution

  • Ground->Cloud, Cloud->Ground

  • Linear Channel Distribution


Protocol Alternatives

  • Proprietary Formats

  • RTMP – Real Time Messaging Protocol

  • SRT – Secure, Reliable Transport

  • RIST – Reliable Internet Stream Transport


Network Considerations

  • Round-Trip-Time (RTT)

  • Public vs. Private Networks

  • Connectionless vs. Connection-Oriented protocols

  • Firewalls

Protocol Capabilities

  • Packet Re-Transmission vs FEC

  • Acknowledgments (ACK) and Negative Acknowledgments (NACK)

  • Bonding and redundancy, including cellular

  • Delay compensation

  • Tunneling

  • Null Packet Deletion


Encryption Choices

  • PSK – Pre-Shared Key

  • Applications for PSK

  • TLS and DTLS


RTMP – Real Time Messaging Protocol

  • Early Days, Current Status

  • Key RTMP Building Blocks

  • RTMP Capabilities

  • Flash Phase-Out

  • Future Direction?


SRT – Secure Reliable Transport

  • Development

  • Key SRT Building Blocks

  • Published Specifications

  • SRT Capabilities


RIST - Reliable Internet Stream Transport

  • Project Objectives

  • Key RIST Building Blocks

  • Published Specifications

  • RIST Capabilities

  • Open Specification vs. Open-Source​

Industry Support

  • RTMP, SRT and RIST


Performance Comparisons

  • SRT vs. RTMP

  • RIST vs. SRT

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